Atkinson Receives Martin Award at Commencement

Originally published May 6, 2013 by The University of Mount Olive

MOUNT OLIVE— During the 59th spring commencement at University of Mount Olive, Aisha Atkinson of Goldsboro was presented with the prestigious 2013 Martin Award. Atkinson graduated Summa Cum Laude Saturday with a bachelor of arts degree in secondary English education. She is the daughter of Rovina and James Atkinson.

The Martin Award is given each year in honor of Lorelle F. Martin, professor emerita, who taught at University of Mount Olive from 1957 to 1987. The Martin Award is presented for the highest academic average to the baccalaureate graduate whose entire study has been at University of Mount Olive during four years of full-time, continuous enrollment. A $1,000 award accompanies this honor from the Office of Academic Affairs.

A first generation college attendee, Atkinson has been heavily involved during her time at University of Mount Olive. She has served as editor and contributor of The Trojan Voices, been inducted in Sigma Tau Delta and Pi Lambda Theta, served as Senator for the Student Government Association and served as a Resident Assistant. In 2012, Atkinson was the recipient of the Jan Brewer Scholarship award and Student Assistant for the Language and Literature Department. More recently, she received the 2013 award for Best Literature Student and the Outstanding Language and Literature Student Award.

Aisha Christa Atkinson

Aisha Christa Atkinson is a veteran English Language Arts instructional leader who advocates for the opportunities and resources that address the linguistic needs and the career and college readiness of English language learners, at-risk, and neurodivergent students.

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