Educator with Goldsboro ties captures national career grant

Originally published July 14, 2019 by The Goldsboro News Argus

Aisha Christa Atkinson, a former Wayne County public school teacher, has been awarded a competitive American Association of University Women Career Development Grant. Atkinson, of Rosenburg, Texas, is one of 63 award recipients and is set to receive a grant of more than $10,000. The grant will be used to support her pursuit of a master’s degree in educational administration, specializing in Pre-K through 12th grade school leadership, at Texas A&M International University, during the 2019-20 award year.

Aisha Christa Atkinson

Aisha Christa Atkinson is a veteran English Language Arts instructional leader who advocates for the opportunities and resources that address the linguistic needs and the career and college readiness of English language learners, at-risk, and neurodivergent students.

Atkinson Awarded AAUW Career Development Grant


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